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Automate analytics reporting with Cloudflare Workers and email routing

Last reviewed: 3 months ago

Developer Spotlight community contribution

Written by: Aleksej Komnenovic

Profile: LinkedIn

In this tutorial, you will create a Cloudflare Worker that fetches analytics data about your account from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API. You will be able to view the account analytics data in your browser and receive a scheduled email report.

You will learn:

  1. How to create a Worker using the c3 CLI.
  2. How to fetch analytics data from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API.
  3. How to send an email with a Worker.
  4. How to schedule the Worker to run at a specific time.
  5. How to store secrets and environment variables in your Worker.
  6. How to test the Worker locally.
  7. How to deploy the Worker to Cloudflare's edge network.


Before you start, make sure you:

  1. Sign up for a Cloudflare account.
  2. Install Node.js.

Node.js version manager

Use a Node version manager like Volta or nvm to avoid permission issues and change Node.js versions. Wrangler, discussed later in this guide, requires a Node version of 16.17.0 or later.

  1. Add a domain to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Enable Email Routing for your domain.
  3. Create Cloudflare's Analytics API token.

1. Create a Worker

While you can create a Worker using the Cloudflare dashboard, creating a Worker using the c3 CLI is recommended as it provides a more streamlined development experience and allows you to test your Worker locally.

First, use the c3 CLI to create a new Cloudflare Workers project.

Terminal window
npm create cloudflare@latest -- account-analytics

In this tutorial, name your Worker as account-analytics.

For setup, select the following options:

  • For What would you like to start with?, choose Hello World example.
  • For Which template would you like to use?, choose Hello World Worker.
  • For Which language do you want to use?, choose JavaScript.
  • For Do you want to use git for version control?, choose Yes.
  • For Do you want to deploy your application?, choose No (we will be making some changes before deploying).

Now, the Worker is set up. Move into your project directory:

Terminal window
cd account-analytics

To continue with this tutorial, install the mimetext package:

Terminal window
pnpm install mimetext

2. Update Wrangler configuration file

wrangler.json contains the configuration for your Worker. It was created when you ran c3 CLI. Open wrangler.json in your code editor and update it with the following configuration:

"name": "account-analytics",
"main": "src/index.js",
"compatibility_date": "2024-11-01",
"compatibility_flags": [
"send_email": [
"destination_address": "<>"
"triggers": {
"crons": [
"0 10 * * *"
"observability": {
"enabled": true
"vars": {
"SENDER_NAME": "Cloudflare Analytics Worker",
"EMAIL_SUBJECT": "Cloudflare Analytics Report"

Before you continue, update the following:

  1. destination_address: Enter the email address where you want to receive the analytics report.
  2. [VARS]: Enter the environment variable values you want to use in your Worker.

3. Update the Worker code

You will now add the code step by step to the src/index.js file. This tutorial will explain each part of the code.

Add the required modules and Handlers

While you are in your project directory, open src/index.js in your code editor and update it with the following code:

// Import required modules for email handling
import { EmailMessage } from "cloudflare:email";
import { createMimeMessage } from "mimetext";
export default {
// HTTP request handler - This Handler is invoked when the Worker is accessed via HTTP
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
try {
const analyticsData = await fetchAnalytics(env);
const formattedContent = formatContent(,
return new Response(formattedContent, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
return new Response(`Error: ${error.message}`, {
status: 500,
headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
// Scheduled task handler - This Handler is invoked via a Cron Trigger
async scheduled(event, env, ctx) {
try {
const analyticsData = await fetchAnalytics(env);
const formattedContent = formatContent(,
await sendEmail(env, formattedContent);
console.log("Analytics email sent successfully");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send analytics email:", error);

The code above defines two Worker Handlers:

  • fetch: This Handler executes when the Worker is accessed via HTTP. It fetches the analytics data, formats it and returns it as a response.
  • scheduled: This Handler executes at the scheduled time. It fetches the analytics data, formats it and sends an email with the analytics data.

Add the analytics fetching function

Add the following function to the src/index.js file, below the Handlers:

async function fetchAnalytics(env) {
// Calculate yesterday's date for the report and format it for display
const yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
const dateString = yesterday.toISOString().split("T")[0];
const formattedDate = yesterday.toLocaleDateString("en-US", {
weekday: "long",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
// Fetch analytics data from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API
const response = await fetch(``, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${env.CF_API_TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query GetAnalytics($accountTag: String!, $date: String!) {
viewer {
accounts(filter: { accountTag: $accountTag }) {
httpRequests1dGroups(limit: 1, filter: { date: $date }) {
sum {
browserMap {
responseStatusMap {
clientHTTPVersionMap {
variables: {
accountTag: env.CF_ACCOUNT_ID,
date: dateString,
const data = await response.json();
if (data.errors) {
throw new Error(`GraphQL Error: ${JSON.stringify(data.errors)}`);
return { data, formattedDate };

In the code above, the fetchAnalytics function fetches analytics data from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API. The fetchAnalytics function calculates yesterday's date, formats the date for display, and sends a GraphQL query to the Analytics API to fetch the analytics data.

This function returns the raw data for the previous day, including:

  • Traffic overview data (Total requests, Page views and Blocked threats)
  • Bandwidth data (Total bandwidth, Encrypted bandwidth and Cached bandwidth)
  • Caching and Encryption data (Encrypted requests, Cached requests, Encryption rate and Cache rate)
  • Browser data (Page views by browser)
  • HTTP status code data (Requests by status code)
  • HTTP version data (Requests by HTTP version)

This data will be used to generate the analytics report. In the following step, you will add the function that formats this data.

Add the data formatting function

Add the following function to the src/index.js file, below the fetchAnalytics function:

function formatContent(analyticsData, formattedDate) {
const stats =[0].httpRequests1dGroups[0].sum;
// Helper function to format bytes into human-readable format
const formatBytes = (bytes) => {
if (bytes === 0) return "0 Bytes";
const k = 1024;
const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(2)) + " " + sizes[i];
// Format browser statistics
const browserData = stats.browserMap
.sort((a, b) => b.pageViews - a.pageViews)
.map((b) => ` ${b.uaBrowserFamily}: ${b.pageViews} views`)
// Format HTTP status code statistics
const statusData = stats.responseStatusMap
.sort((a, b) => b.requests - a.requests)
.map((s) => ` ${s.edgeResponseStatus}: ${s.requests} requests`)
// Format HTTP version statistics
const httpVersionData = stats.clientHTTPVersionMap
.sort((a, b) => b.requests - a.requests)
.map((h) => ` ${h.clientHTTPProtocol}: ${h.requests} requests`)
// Return formatted report
return `
Generated for: ${formattedDate}
Total Requests: ${stats.requests.toLocaleString()}
Page Views: ${stats.pageViews.toLocaleString()}
Security Threats Blocked: ${stats.threats.toLocaleString()}
Total Bandwidth: ${formatBytes(stats.bytes)}
Encrypted Bandwidth: ${formatBytes(stats.encryptedBytes)}
Cached Bandwidth: ${formatBytes(stats.cachedBytes)}
Total Requests: ${stats.requests.toLocaleString()}
Encrypted Requests: ${stats.encryptedRequests.toLocaleString()}
Cached Requests: ${stats.cachedRequests.toLocaleString()}
Encryption Rate: ${((stats.encryptedRequests / stats.requests) * 100).toFixed(1)}%
Cache Rate: ${((stats.cachedRequests / stats.requests) * 100).toFixed(1)}%

At this point, you have defined the fetchAnalytics function that fetches raw analytics data from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API and the formatContent function that formats the analytics data into a human-readable report.

Add the email sending function

Add the following function to the src/index.js file, below the formatContent function:

async function sendEmail(env, content) {
// Create and configure email message
const msg = createMimeMessage();
name: env.SENDER_NAME,
addr: env.SENDER_EMAIL,
contentType: "text/plain",
data: content,
// Send email using Cloudflare Email Routing service
const message = new EmailMessage(
try {
await env.ANALYTICS_EMAIL.send(message);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to send email: ${error.message}`);

This function sends an email with the formatted analytics data to the specified recipient email address using Cloudflare's Email Routing service.

4. Test the Worker

Now that you have updated the Worker code, you can test it locally using the wrangler dev command. This command starts a local server that runs your Worker code.

Before you run the Worker, you need to add two Worker secrets:

  • CF_API_TOKEN: Cloudflare GraphQL Analytics API token you created earlier.
  • CF_ACCOUNT_ID: Your Cloudflare account ID. You can find your account ID in the Cloudflare dashboard under the Workers & Pages Overview tab.

Create a .dev.vars file in the root of your project directory and add the following:

Terminal window

Now, run the Worker locally:

Terminal window
npx wrangler dev --remote

Open the http://localhost:8787 URL on your browser. The browser will display analytics data.

5. Deploy the Worker and Worker secrets

Once you have tested the Worker locally, you can deploy your Worker to Cloudflare's edge network:

Terminal window
npx wrangler deploy

CLI command will output the URL where your Worker is deployed. Before you can use this URL in your browser to view the analytics data, you need to add two Worker secrets you already have locally to your deployed Worker:

Terminal window
npx wrangler secret put <secret>

Replace <secret> with the name of the secret you want to add. Repeat this command for CF_API_TOKEN and CF_ACCOUNT_ID secrets.

Once you put the secrets, preview your analytics data at account-analytics.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN> You will also receive an email report to the specified recipient email address every day at 10:00 AM.

If you want to disable a public URL for your Worker, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.

  2. In Account Home, select Workers & Pages, then select account-analytics Worker.

  3. Go to Settings > Domains & Routes.

  4. Select Disable to disable the public account-analytics.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN> URL.

You have successfully created, tested and deployed a Worker that fetches analytics data from Cloudflare's GraphQL Analytics API and sends an email report via Email Routing.

To build more with Workers, refer to Tutorials.

If you have any questions, need assistance, or would like to share your project, join the Cloudflare Developer community on Discord to connect with other developers and the Cloudflare team.