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Review the definitions for terms used across Cloudflare’s Workers documentation.

Term Definition
Auxiliary Worker

A Worker created locally via the Workers Vitest integration that runs in a separate isolate to the test runner, with a different global scope.


Bindings allow your Workers to interact with resources on the Cloudflare Developer Platform.


C3 is a command-line tool designed to help you set up and deploy new applications to Cloudflare.

CPU time

CPU time is the amount of time the central processing unit (CPU) actually spends doing work, during a given request.

Cron Triggers

Cron Triggers allow users to map a cron expression to a Worker using a scheduled() handler that enables Workers to be executed on a schedule.


D1 is Cloudflare's native serverless database.


Deployments track the version(s) of your Worker that are actively serving traffic.

Durable Objects

Durable Objects is a globally distributed coordination API with strongly consistent storage.


Duration is a measurement of wall-clock time — the total amount of time from the start to end of an invocation of a Worker.


Environments allow you to deploy the same Worker application with different configuration for each environment. Only available for use with wrangler.toml.

environment variable

Environment variables are a type of binding that allow you to attach text strings or JSON values to your Worker.


Handlers are methods on Workers that can receive and process external inputs, and can be invoked from outside your Worker.


Isolates are lightweight contexts that provide your code with variables it can access and a safe environment to be executed within.


Workers KV is Cloudflare's key-value data storage.

module Worker

Refers to a Worker written in module syntax.


Origin generally refers to the web server behind Cloudflare where your application is hosted.


Cloudflare Pages is Cloudflare's product offering for building and deploying full-stack applications.


Queues integrates with Cloudflare Workers and enables you to build applications that can guarantee delivery.


R2 is an S3-compatible distributed object storage designed to eliminate the obstacles of sharing data across clouds.


Rollbacks are a way to deploy an older deployment to the Cloudflare global network.


Secrets are a type of binding that allow you to attach encrypted text values to your Worker.

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