Using Cloudflare with various forums
Many widely used forum platforms are compatible with Cloudflare.
These include:
- Discourse ↗
- vBulletin
- Xenforo
- MyBB
If you have a forum using these platforms, you can increase its speed and safety by adding Cloudflare.
1. Cloudflare acts as a reverse proxy, meaning that all visitor IP addresses will become Cloudflare-affiliated IP addresses. If you are using services like Stopforumspan or blocking registration by IP address, you need to restore original visitor IPs ↗.
2. To prevent admin functions from being affected by caching or performance features, create a Page Rule ↗ to exclude the admin section of your site.
3. If you want certain services to access your website (APIs or certain IPs), configure IP access rules ↗.
4. Review your DNS records to make sure all your subdomain records are present. If you cannot find a subdomain, add the DNS record ↗.
5. Review your Cloudflare performance ↗ and security settings ↗.