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Page Shield API

You can enable and disable Page Shield, configure its settings, and fetch information about detected scripts and connections using the Page Shield API.

To authenticate API requests you need an API token. For more information on the required API token permissions, refer to Roles and permissions.


You can obtain the complete endpoint by appending the Page Shield API endpoints to the Cloudflare API base URL:

The {zone_id} argument is the zone ID (a hexadecimal string). You can find this value in the Cloudflare dashboard or using the Cloudflare API’s /zones endpoint.

The {script_id} argument is the script ID (a hexadecimal string). This value is included in the response of the List Page Shield scripts operation for every detected script.

The {connection_id} argument is the connection ID (a hexadecimal string). This value is included in the response of the List Page Shield connections API operation for every detected connection.

The following table summarizes the available operations:

OperationMethod + URL stubNotes
Get Page Shield settingsGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shieldFetch Page Shield settings (including the status).
Update Page Shield settingsPUT zones/{zone_id}/page_shieldUpdate Page Shield settings.
List Page Shield scriptsGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/scriptsFetch a list of detected scripts.
Get a Page Shield scriptGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/scripts/{script_id}Fetch the details of a script.
List Page Shield connectionsGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/connectionsFetch a list of detected connections.
Get a Page Shield connectionGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/connections/{connection_id}Fetch the details of a connection.
List Page Shield cookiesGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/cookiesFetch a list of detected cookies.
Get a Page Shield cookieGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/cookies/{cookie_id}Fetch the details of a cookie.
List Page Shield policiesGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/policiesFetch a list of all configured CSP policies.
Get a Page Shield policyGET zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/policies/{policy_id}Fetch the details of a CSP policy.
Create a Page Shield policyPOST zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/policiesCreates a CSP policy with the provided configuration.
Update a Page Shield policyPUT zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/policies/{policy_id}Updates an existing CSP policy.
Delete a Page Shield policyDELETE zones/{zone_id}/page_shield/policies/{policy_id}Deletes an existing CSP policy.

API notes

The malicious script classification (Malicious or Not malicious) is not directly available in the API. To determine this classification, compare the script’s js_integrity_score value with the classification threshold, which is currently set to 10. Scripts with a score value lower than the threshold are considered malicious.

Common API calls

Get Page Shield settings

This example obtains the current settings of Page Shield, including the status (enabled/disabled).

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": {
"enabled": true,
"updated_at": "2023-05-14T11:47:55.677555Z",
"use_cloudflare_reporting_endpoint": true,
"use_connection_url_path": false
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Enable Page Shield

This example enables Page Shield in the specified zone.

curl --request PUT \
"{zone_id}/page_shield" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ "enabled": true }'
"result": {
"enabled": true,
"updated_at": "2023-05-14T11:50:41.756996Z"
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Fetch list of detected scripts

This GET request fetches a list of scripts detected by Page Shield on hostname, requesting the first page with 15 items per page. The URL query string includes filtering and paging parameters.

By default, the response will only include scripts with active status when you do not specify a status filter parameter in the URL query string.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/scripts?" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": [
"id": "8337233faec2357ff84465a919534e4d",
"url": "",
"added_at": "2023-05-18T10:51:10.09615Z",
"first_seen_at": "2023-05-18T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2023-05-22T09:57:54Z",
"host": "",
"domain_reported_malicious": false,
"url_reported_malicious": true,
"malicious_url_categories": ["Malware"],
"first_page_url": "",
"status": "active",
"url_contains_cdn_cgi_path": false,
"hash": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
"js_integrity_score": 10,
"obfuscation_score": 10,
"dataflow_score": 8,
"malware_score": 8,
"cryptomining_score": 9,
"magecart_score": 8,
"fetched_at": "2023-05-21T16:58:07Z"
// (...)
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result_info": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 15,
"count": 15,
"total_count": 24,
"total_pages": 2

Some fields displayed in the example response may not be available, depending on your Cloudflare plan.

For details on the available filtering, paging, and sorting parameters, refer to the API reference.

Fetch list of infrequently reported scripts

This GET request fetches a list of infrequently reported scripts on hostname, requesting the first page with 15 items per page. The URL query string includes filtering and paging parameters.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/scripts?status=infrequent&" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": [
"id": "83c8da2267394ce8465b74c299658fea",
"url": "",
"added_at": "2023-05-17T13:16:03.419619Z",
"first_seen_at": "2023-05-17T13:15:23Z",
"last_seen_at": "2023-05-18T09:05:20Z",
"host": "",
"domain_reported_malicious": false,
"url_reported_malicious": false,
"first_page_url": "",
"status": "infrequent",
"url_contains_cdn_cgi_path": false,
"hash": "9245aad577e846dd9b990b1b32425a3fae4aad8b8a28441a8b80084b6bb75a45",
"js_integrity_score": 48,
"obfuscation_score": 49,
"dataflow_score": 45,
"malware_score": 45,
"cryptomining_score": 37,
"magecart_score": 49,
"fetched_at": "2023-05-18T03:58:07Z"
// (...)
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result_info": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 15,
"count": 15,
"total_count": 17,
"total_pages": 2

Some fields displayed in the example response may not be available, depending on your Cloudflare plan.

For details on the available filtering, paging, and sorting parameters, refer to the API reference.

Get details of a detected script

This GET request obtains the details of a script detected by Page Shield with script ID 8337233faec2357ff84465a919534e4d.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/scripts/8337233faec2357ff84465a919534e4d" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": {
"id": "8337233faec2357ff84465a919534e4d",
"url": "",
"added_at": "2023-05-18T10:51:10.09615Z",
"first_seen_at": "2023-05-18T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2023-05-22T09:57:54Z",
"host": "",
"domain_reported_malicious": false,
"url_reported_malicious": true,
"malicious_url_categories": ["Malware"],
"first_page_url": "",
"status": "active",
"url_contains_cdn_cgi_path": false,
"hash": "9245aad577e846dd9b990b1b32425a3fae4aad8b8a28441a8b80084b6bb75a45",
"js_integrity_score": 48,
"obfuscation_score": 49,
"dataflow_score": 45,
"malware_score": 42,
"cryptomining_score": 32,
"magecart_score": 44,
"fetched_at": "2023-05-21T16:58:07Z",
"page_urls": [
"versions": [
"hash": "9245aad577e846dd9b990b1b32425a3fae4aad8b8a28441a8b80084b6bb75a45",
"js_integrity_score": 48,
"obfuscation_score": 49,
"dataflow_score": 45,
"malware_score": 42,
"cryptomining_score": 32,
"magecart_score": 44,
"fetched_at": "2023-05-21T16:58:07Z"
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Some fields displayed in the example response may not be available, depending on your Cloudflare plan.

Fetch list of detected connections

This GET request fetches a list of connections detected by Page Shield, requesting the first page with 15 items per page.

By default, the response will only include connections with active status when you do not specify a status filter parameter in the URL query string.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/connections?page=1&per_page=15" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": [
"id": "0a7bb628776f4e50a50d8594c4a01740",
"url": "",
"added_at": "2022-09-18T10:51:10.09615Z",
"first_seen_at": "2022-09-18T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2022-09-02T09:57:54Z",
"host": "",
"domain_reported_malicious": true,
"malicious_domain_categories": ["Malware", "Spyware"],
"url_reported_malicious": false,
"malicious_url_categories": [],
"first_page_url": "",
"status": "active",
"url_contains_cdn_cgi_path": false
// (...)
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result_info": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 15,
"count": 15,
"total_count": 16,
"total_pages": 2

For details on the available filtering, paging, and sorting parameters, refer to the API reference.

Get details of a detected connection

This GET request obtains the details of a connection detected by Page Shield with connection ID 0a7bb628776f4e50a50d8594c4a01740.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/connections/0a7bb628776f4e50a50d8594c4a01740" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": {
"id": "0a7bb628776f4e50a50d8594c4a01740",
"url": "",
"added_at": "2022-09-18T10:51:10.09615Z",
"first_seen_at": "2022-09-18T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2022-09-02T09:57:54Z",
"host": "",
"domain_reported_malicious": true,
"malicious_domain_categories": ["Malware", "Spyware"],
"url_reported_malicious": false,
"malicious_url_categories": [],
"first_page_url": "",
"status": "active",
"url_contains_cdn_cgi_path": false
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Fetch list of detected cookies

This GET request fetches a list of cookies detected by Page Shield, requesting the first page with 15 items per page.

By default, the response will only include cookies with active status when you do not specify a status filter parameter in the URL query string.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/cookies?page=1&per_page=15" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": [
"id": "beee03ada7e047e79f076785d8cd8b8e",
"type": "first_party",
"name": "PHPSESSID",
"host": "",
"domain_attribute": "",
"expires_attribute": "2024-10-21T12:28:20Z",
"http_only_attribute": true,
"max_age_attribute": null,
"path_attribute": "/store",
"same_site_attribute": "strict",
"secure_attribute": true,
"first_seen_at": "2024-05-06T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2024-05-07T11:56:01Z",
"first_page_url": "",
"page_urls": [""]
// (...)
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result_info": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 15,
"count": 15,
"total_count": 16,
"total_pages": 2

For details on the available filtering, paging, and sorting parameters, refer to Make API calls.

This GET request obtains the details of a cookie detected by Page Shield with ID beee03ada7e047e79f076785d8cd8b8e.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/cookies/beee03ada7e047e79f076785d8cd8b8e" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
"result": {
"id": "beee03ada7e047e79f076785d8cd8b8e",
"type": "first_party",
"name": "PHPSESSID",
"host": "",
"domain_attribute": "",
"expires_attribute": "2024-10-21T12:28:20Z",
"http_only_attribute": true,
"max_age_attribute": null,
"path_attribute": "/store",
"same_site_attribute": "strict",
"secure_attribute": true,
"first_seen_at": "2024-05-06T10:51:08Z",
"last_seen_at": "2024-05-07T11:56:01Z",
"first_page_url": "",
"page_urls": [""]
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Create a policy

This POST request creates a Page Shield policy with Log action, defining the following scripts as allowed based on where they are hosted:

  • Scripts hosted in (which does not include scripts in
  • Scripts hosted in
  • The Google Analytics script using its full URL.
  • All scripts in the same origin (same HTTP or HTTPS scheme and hostname).

All other scripts would trigger a policy violation, but those scripts would not be blocked.

For more information on Content Security Policy (CSP) directives and values, refer to the MDN documentation.

curl "{zone_id}/page_shield/policies" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"description": "My first policy in log mode",
"action": "log",
"expression": " eq",
"enabled": "true",
"value": "script-src '\''self'\''"
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"id": "<POLICY_ID>",
"description": "My first policy in log mode",
"action": "log",
"expression": " eq",
"enabled": "true",
"value": "script-src 'self'"

To create a policy with an Allow action instead of Log, use "action": "allow" in the request body. In the case of such policy, all scripts not allowed by the policy would be blocked.