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Zero Trust WARP Client

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WARP client for macOS (version 2025.1.447.1)

A new beta release for the macOS WARP client is now available on the Downloads page. This release contains only improvements.

Note: If using macOS Sequoia, Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later. With macOS 15.2, Apple addressed several issues that may have caused the WARP client to not behave as expected when used with macOS 15.0.x.

Changes and improvements

  • Improved command line interface for Access for Infrastructure with added function for filtering and ordering.
  • Fixed client connectivity issues when switching between managed network profiles that use different WARP protocols.
  • Improved OS version posture checks on macOS for greater reliability and availability.
  • Added support for WARP desktop to use additional DoH endpoints to help reduce NAT congestion.
  • Improved WireGuard connection stability on reconnections.
  • Added additional HTTP/3 QUIC connectivity test to warp-diag.

Known issues

  • macOS Sequoia: Due to changes Apple introduced in macOS 15.0.x, the WARP client may not behave as expected. Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later.


WARP client for Windows (version 2025.1.447.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available on the Downloads page. This release contains only improvements.

Changes and improvements

  • Improved command line interface for Access for Infrastructure with added function for filtering and ordering.
  • Fixed client connectivity issues when switching between managed network profiles that use different WARP protocols.
  • Added support for WARP desktop to use additional DoH endpoints to help reduce NAT congestion.
  • Improved Windows multi-user feature with minor bug fixes and optimizations.
  • Improved connectivity check reliability in certain split tunnel configurations.
  • Improved reading of device DNS settings at connection restart.
  • Improved WARP connectivity in environments with virtual machine interfaces.
  • Improved WireGuard connection stability on reconnections.
  • Improved reliability of device posture checks for OS Version, Unique Client ID, Domain Joined, Disk Encryption, and Firewall attributes.
  • Added additional HTTP/3 QUIC connectivity test to warp-diag.

Known issues

  • DNS resolution may be broken when the following conditions are all true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around this issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP download repository

Microsoft is retiring the App Center which customers previously used to download Windows and macOS WARP client releases. As a result, Cloudflare has launched a new Downloads page where you can find WARP client downloads for all operating systems, version history, and release notes.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.12.760.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available on the Downloads page. This release contains only a hotfix from the 2024.12.554.0 release.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent clients with certain split tunnel configurations from connecting.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when the following conditions are all true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around this issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


Cloudflare One Agent for iOS (version 1.8)

A new GA release for the iOS Cloudflare One Agent is now available in the iOS App Store. This release includes support for an exciting new capability, per-app VPN. This release also includes fixes and minor improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Added support for per-app VPN configuration.
  • Fixed issue where some users could not connect unless they rotated their keys after an update.
  • Fixed a potential crash when connecting to the tunnel.


Cloudflare One Agent for Android (version 2.3)

A new GA release for the Android Cloudflare One Agent is now available in the Google Play Store. This release includes support for an exciting new capability, per-app VPN. This release also includes fixes and minor improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Added support for per-app VPN configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where the WARP tunnel is connected immediately when Auto connect is greater than 0.
  • Fixed an issue where rapidly changing service modes resulted in a crash.


WARP client for Linux (version 2024.12.554.0)

A new GA release for the Linux WARP client is now available in the package repository. This release includes fixes and minor improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Consumers can now set the tunnel protocol using warp-cli tunnel protocol set <protocol>.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Improved captive portal support by disabling the firewall during captive portal login flows.
  • Improved reliability of connection establishment logic under degraded network conditions.
  • Improved reconnection speed when a Cloudflare server is in a degraded state.
  • Improved captive portal detection on certain public networks.
  • Reduced connectivity interruptions on WireGuard Split Tunnel Include mode configurations.
  • Fixed connectivity issues switching between managed network profiles with different configured protocols.
  • QLogs are now disabled by default and can be enabled with warp-cli debug qlog enable. The QLog setting from previous releases will no longer be respected.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.12.554.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains improvements to support custom Gateway certificate installation in addition to the changes and improvements included in version 2024.12.492.0.

Changes and improvements:

  • Adds support for installing all available custom Gateway certificates from an account to the system store.
  • Users can now get a list of installed certificates by running warp-cli certs.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.12.554.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains improvements to support custom Gateway certificate installation in addition to the changes and improvements included in version 2024.12.492.0.

Note: If using macOS Sequoia, Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later. With macOS 15.2, Apple addressed several issues that may have caused the WARP client to not behave as expected when used with macOS 15.0 and 15.1.

Changes and improvements:

  • Adds support for installing all available custom Gateway certificates from an account to the system store.
  • Users can now get a list of installed certificates by running warp-cli certs.

Known issues:

  • macOS Sequoia: Due to changes Apple introduced in macOS 15.0.x, the WARP client may not behave as expected. Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.12.492.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Note: If using macOS Sequoia, Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later. With macOS 15.2, Apple addressed several issues that may have caused the WARP client to not behave as expected when used with macOS 15.0 and 15.1.

Changes and improvements:

  • Consumers can now set the tunnel protocol using warp-cli tunnel protocol set <protocol>.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Improved captive portal support by disabling the firewall during captive portal login flows.
  • Improved reliability of connection establishment logic under degraded network conditions.
  • Improved reconnection speed when a Cloudflare server is in a degraded state.
  • Improved captive portal detection on certain public networks.
  • Fixed an issue where admin override displayed an incorrect override end time.
  • Reduced connectivity interruptions on WireGuard Split Tunnel Include mode configurations.
  • Fixed connectivity issues switching between managed network profiles with different configured protocols.
  • QLogs are now disabled by default and can be enabled with warp-cli debug qlog enable. The QLog setting from previous releases will no longer be respected.

Known issues:

  • macOS Sequoia: Due to changes Apple introduced in macOS 15.0.x, the WARP client may not behave as expected. Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.2 or later.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.12.492.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Consumers can now set the tunnel protocol using warp-cli tunnel protocol set <protocol>.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Improved captive portal support by disabling the firewall during captive portal login flows.
  • Improved captive portal detection on certain public networks.
  • Improved reconnection speed when a Cloudflare server is in a degraded state.
  • Fixed an issue where WARP may fail to remove certificates from the user store in Device Information Only mode.
  • Ensured at most one Powershell instance is opened when fetching the device serial number for posture checks.
  • Fixed an issue to prevent the daemon from following Windows junctions created by non-admin users that could be used to delete files as SYSTEM user and potentially gain SYSTEM user privileges.
  • Improved reliability of connection establishment logic under degraded network conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused high memory usage when viewing connection statistics for extended periods of time.
  • Improved WARP connectivity in environments with virtual interfaces from VirtualBox, VMware, and similar tools.
  • Reduced connectivity interruptions on WireGuard Split Tunnel Include mode configurations.
  • Fixed connectivity issues switching between managed network profiles with different configured protocols.
  • QLogs are now disabled by default and can be enabled with warp-cli debug qlog enable. The QLog setting from previous releases will no longer be respected.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.12.326.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release includes an exciting new capability, WARP support for multiple users on a shared Windows device. The release also contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed connectivity issues switching between managed network profiles with different configured protocols.
  • Added support for multiple users on shared Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices. Once a user completes the Windows login, all traffic to Cloudflare will be attributed to the currently active Windows user account. Contact your Customer Success Manager to request participation in this beta.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.11.688.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Consumers can now set the tunnel protocol using warp-cli tunnel protocol set <protocol>.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Improved captive portal support by disabling the firewall during captive portal login flows.
  • Improved captive portal detection on certain public networks.
  • Improved reconnection speed when a Cloudflare server is in a degraded state.
  • Fixed an issue where WARP may fail to remove certificates from the user store in Device Information Only mode.
  • Ensured at most one Powershell instance is opened when fetching the device serial number for posture checks.
  • Fixed an issue to prevent the daemon from following Windows junctions created by non-admin users that could be used to delete files as SYSTEM user and potentially gain SYSTEM user privileges.
  • Improved reliability of connection establishment logic under degraded network conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused high memory usage when viewing connection statistics for extended periods of time.
  • Improved WARP connectivity in environments with virtual interfaces from VirtualBox, VMware, and similar tools.
  • Reduced connectivity interruptions on WireGuard Split Tunnel Include mode configurations.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.11.688.1)

A new beta release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Note: If using macOS Sequoia, Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.1 or later. With macOS 15.1, Apple addressed several issues that may have caused the WARP client to not behave as expected when used with macOS 15.0.x.

Changes and improvements:

  • Consumers can now set the tunnel protocol using warp-cli tunnel protocol set <protocol>.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Improved captive portal support by disabling the firewall during captive portal login flows.
  • Improved reliability of connection establishment logic under degraded network conditions.
  • Improved reconnection speed when a Cloudflare server is in a degraded state.
  • Improved captive portal detection on certain public networks.
  • Fixed an issue where admin override displayed an incorrect override end time.
  • Reduced connectivity interruptions on WireGuard Split Tunnel Include mode configurations.

Known issues:

  • macOS Sequoia: Due to changes Apple introduced in macOS 15.0.x, the WARP client may not behave as expected. Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.1 or later.


Custom device posture integration

WARP now supports setting up custom device posture integrations using a third-party API of your choice.



MASQUE as a device tunnel protocol option is now generally available (GA). Refer to Device tunnel protocol for configuration details and minimum WARP client requirements.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.11.309.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where SSH sessions and other application connections over TCP or UDP could drop when a device that is using MASQUE changes its primary network interface.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the Cloudflare root certificate (or custom certificate) is installed in the trust store if not already there.
  • Fixed an issue with the WARP client becoming unresponsive during startup.
  • Extended warp-diag to collect system profiler firewall state as part of diagnostics.
  • Fixed an issue with the WARP client becoming unresponsive while handling LAN inclusion.
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to connect with an IPC error message displayed in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing proper operation of DNS-over-TLS (DoT) for consumer users.

Known issues:

  • macOS Sequoia: Due to changes Apple introduced in macOS 15.0.x, the WARP client may not behave as expected. Cloudflare recommends the use of macOS 15.1 or later.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.11.309.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where SSH sessions and other application connections over TCP or UDP could drop when a device that is using MASQUE changes its primary network interface.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the Cloudflare root certificate (or custom certificate) is installed in the trust store if not already there.
  • Fixed an issue with the WARP client becoming unresponsive during startup.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing proper operation of DNS-over-TLS (DoT) for consumer users.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for Linux (version 2024.11.309.0)

A new GA release for the Linux WARP client is now available in the package repository. This release contains reliability improvements and general bug fixes.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where SSH sessions and other connections ould drop when a device that is using MASQUE changes its primary network interface.
  • Device posture client certificate checks now support PKCS#1.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the Cloudflare root certificate (or custom certificate) is installed in the trust store if not already there.
  • Reduced unnecessary log messages when resolv.conf has no owner.
  • Fixed an issue with warp-diag printing benign TLS certificate errors.
  • Fixed an issue with the WARP client becoming unresponsive during startup.
  • Extended diagnostics collection time in warp-diag to ensure logs are captured reliably.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing proper operation of DNS-over-TLS (DoT) for consumer users.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.10.279.1)

A new beta release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where SSH sessions and other application connections over TCP or UDP could drop when a device that is using MASQUE changes its primary network interface.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the Cloudflare root certificate (or custom certificate) is installed in the trust store if not already there.

Known issues:

  • Cloudflare is investigating temporary networking issues on macOS 15 (Sequoia) that affect some users and may occur on any version of the WARP client.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.10.279.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements:

  • Fixed an issue where SSH sessions and other application connections over TCP or UDP could drop when a device that is using MASQUE changes its primary network interface.
  • Fixed an issue to ensure the Cloudflare root certificate (or custom certificate) is installed in the trust store if not already there.

Known issues:

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for Linux (version 2024.9.346.0)

A new GA release for the Linux WARP client is now available in the package repository. This release contains minor fixes and minor improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added target list to the warp-cli to enhance the user experience with the Access for Infrastructure SSH solution.
  • Added the ability to customize PCAP options in the warp-cli.
  • Added a list of installed applications in warp-diag.
  • Added a tunnel reset mtu subcommand to the warp-cli.
  • Added the ability for warp-cli to use the team name provided in the MDM file for initial registration.
  • Added a JSON output option to the warp-cli.
  • Added the ability to execute a PCAP on multiple interfaces with warp-cli.
  • Added MASQUE tunnel protocol support for the consumer version of WARP ( w/ WARP).
  • Improved the performance of firewall operations when enforcing split tunnel configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where device posture certificate checks were unexpectedly failing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Linux GUI fails to open the browser login window when registering a new Zero Trust organization.
  • Fixed an issue where clients using service tokens failed to retry after a network change.
  • Fixed an issue where the client, when switching between WireGuard and MASQUE protocols, sometimes required a manual tunnel key reset.
  • Fixed a known issue which required users to re-register when an older single configuration MDM file was deployed after deploying the newer, multiple configuration format.
  • Deprecated warp-cli commands have been removed. If you have any workflows that use the deprecated commands, update to the new commands where necessary.

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has Regional Services is enabled.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.9.346.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added target list to the warp-cli to enhance the user experience with the Access for Infrastructure SSH solution.
  • Added pre-login configuration details to the warp-diag output.
  • Added a tunnel reset mtu subcommand to the warp-cli.
  • Added a JSON output option to the warp-cli.
  • Added the ability for warp-cli to use the team name provided in the MDM file for initial registration.
  • Added the ability to execute a PCAP on multiple interfaces with warp-cli and warp-dex.
  • Improved warp-dex default interface selection for PCAPs and changed warp-dex CLI output to JSON.
  • Fixed an issue where the client, when switching between WireGuard and MASQUE protocols, sometimes required a manual tunnel key reset.
  • Added MASQUE tunnel protocol support for the consumer version of WARP ( w/ WARP).

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has Regional Services is enabled.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.9.346.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

All customers running macOS Ventura 13.0 and above (including Sequoia) are advised to upgrade to this release. This release fixes an incompatibility with the firewall found on macOS Sonoma 14.4 and above that could result in the firewall being disabled.

Notable updates:

  • Added target list to the warp-cli to enhance the user experience with the Access for Infrastructure SSH solution.
  • Added a tunnel reset mtu subcommand to the warp-cli.
  • Added the ability for warp-cli to use the team name provided in the MDM file for initial registration.
  • Added a JSON output option to the warp-cli.
  • Added the ability to execute a PCAP on multiple interfaces with warp-cli and warp-dex.
  • Improved warp-dex default interface selection for PCAPs and changed warp-dex CLI output to JSON.
  • Improved application posture check compatibility with symbolically linked files.
  • Fixed an issue where the client, when switching between WireGuard and MASQUE protocols, sometimes required a manual tunnel key reset.
  • Added MASQUE tunnel protocol support for the consumer version of WARP ( w/ WARP).

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has Regional Services is enabled.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.8.457.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added the ability to customize PCAP options in warp-cli.
  • Added a list of installed applications in warp-diag.
  • Added a summary of warp-dex traceroute results in its JSON output.
  • Improved the performance of firewall operations when enforcing Split Tunnels configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where the DNS logs were not being cleared when the user switched configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where clients using service tokens failed to retry after a network change.
  • Fixed a known issue which required users to re-register when an older single configuration MDM file was deployed after deploying the newer, multiple configuration format.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the use of private IP ranges that overlapped with end users' home networks.
  • Deprecated warp-cli commands have been removed. If you have any workflows that use the deprecated commands, update to the new commands where necessary.

Known issues:

  • Cloudflare is investigating temporary networking issues on macOS 15 (Sequoia) that seem to affect some users.
  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has Regional Services is enabled.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.8.458.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added the ability to customize PCAP options in warp-cli.
  • Added a list of installed applications in warp-diag.
  • Added a summary of warp-dex traceroute results in its JSON output.
  • Improved the performance of firewall operations when enforcing Split Tunnels configuration.
  • Reduced the time it takes for a WARP client update to complete.
  • Fixed an issue where clients using service tokens failed to retry the initial connection when there is no network connectivity on startup.
  • Fixed issues where incorrect DNS server addresses were being applied following reboots and network changes. Any incorrect static entries set by previous WARP versions must be manually reverted.
  • Fixed a known issue which required users to re-register when an older single configuration MDM file was deployed after deploying the newer, multiple configuration format.
  • Deprecated warp-cli commands have been removed. If you have any workflows that use the deprecated commands, update to the new commands where necessary.

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has Regional Services enabled.

  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.8.309.1)

A new beta release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added the ability to customize PCAP options in warp-cli.
  • Added a list of installed applications in warp-diag.
  • Added a summary of warp-dex traceroute results in its JSON output.
  • Improved the performance of firewall operations when enforcing Split Tunnels configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where the DNS logs were not being cleared when the user switched configurations.
  • Fixed a known issue which required users to re-register when an older single configuration MDM file was deployed after deploying the newer, multiple configuration format.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the use of private IP ranges that overlapped with end users' home networks.
  • Deprecated warp-cli commands have been removed. If you have any workflows that use the deprecated commands, update to the new commands where necessary.

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has either of the following conditions:
    • Magic WAN is enabled but does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. To check the migration status, contact your account team.
    • Regional Services is enabled.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.8.308.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains minor fixes and improvements.

Notable updates:

  • Added the ability to customize PCAP options in warp-cli.
  • Added a list of installed applications in warp-diag.
  • Added a summary of warp-dex traceroute results in its JSON output.
  • Improved the performance of firewall operations when enforcing Split Tunnels configuration.
  • Reduced the time it takes for a WARP client update to complete.
  • Fixed issues where incorrect DNS server addresses were being applied following reboots and network changes. Any incorrect static entries set by previous WARP versions must be manually reverted.
  • Fixed a known issue which required users to re-register when an older single configuration MDM file was deployed after deploying the newer, multiple configuration format.
  • Deprecated warp-cli commands have been removed. If you have any workflows that use the deprecated commands, update to the new commands where necessary.

Known issues:

  • Using MASQUE as the tunnel protocol may be incompatible if your organization has either of the following conditions:

    • Magic WAN is enabled but does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. To check the migration status, contact your account team.
    • Regional Services is enabled.
  • DNS resolution may be broken when all of the following conditions are true:

    • WARP is in Secure Web Gateway without DNS filtering (tunnel-only) mode.
    • A custom DNS server address is configured on the primary network adapter.
    • The custom DNS server address on the primary network adapter is changed while WARP is connected.

    To work around the DNS issue, reconnect the WARP client by toggling off and back on.


WARP client for Linux (version 2024.6.497.0)

A new GA release for the Linux WARP client is now available in the package repository. This release includes some exciting new features. It also includes additional fixes and minor improvements.

New features:

  • The WARP client now supports operation on Ubuntu 24.04.
  • Admins can now elect to have ZT WARP clients connect using the MASQUE protocol; this setting is in Device Profiles. Note: before MASQUE can be used, the global setting for Override local interface IP must be enabled. For more detail, refer to Device tunnel protocol. This feature will be rolled out to customers in stages over approximately the next month.
  • The Device Posture client certificate check has been substantially enhanced. The primary enhancement is the ability to check for client certificates that have unique common names, made unique by the inclusion of the device serial number or host name (for example, CN = 123456.mycompany, where 123456 is the device serial number).
  • TCP MSS clamping is now used where necessary to meet the MTU requirements of the tunnel interface. This will be especially helpful in Docker use cases.


  • Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 are not supported by this version of the client.
  • This is the last GA release that will be supporting older, deprecated warp-cli commands. There are two methods to identify these commands. One, when used in this release, the command will work but will also return a deprecation warning. And two, the deprecated commands do not appear in the output of warp-cli -h.

Known issues:

  • There are certain known limitations preventing the use of the MASQUE tunnel protocol in certain scenarios. Do not use the MASQUE tunnel protocol if:
    • A Magic WAN integration is on the account and does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. To check the migration status, contact your account team.
    • Your account has Regional Services enabled.
  • The Linux client GUI does not yet support all GUI features found in the Windows and macOS clients. Future releases of the Linux client will be adding these GUI features.
  • The Zero Trust team name is not visible in the GUI if you upgraded from the previous GA release using an MDM tool.
  • Sometimes the WARP icon will remain gray (disconnected state) while in dark mode.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.6.474.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains fixes to improve the client; no new features are included.

Notable updates:

  • Fixed an issue which caused alternate network detection to fail if the beacon host was using TLS 1.2 without TLS Extended Master Secret (EMS) enabled.
  • Improved the stability of device profile switching based on alternate network detection.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.
  • There are certain known limitations preventing the use of the MASQUE tunnel protocol in certain scenarios. Do not use the MASQUE tunnel protocol if:
    • A Magic WAN integration is on the account and does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. Please check migration status with your account team.
    • Your account has Regional Services enabled.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.6.473.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release contains fixes to improve the client; no new features are included.

Notable updates:

  • Fixed an issue which caused alternate network detection to fail if the beacon host was using TLS 1.2 without TLS Extended Master Secret (EMS) enabled.
  • Improved the stability of device profile switching based on alternate network detection.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.
  • There are certain known limitations preventing the use of the MASQUE tunnel protocol in certain scenarios. Do not use the MASQUE tunnel protocol if:
    • A Magic WAN integration is on the account and does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. Please check migration status with your account team.
    • Your account has Regional Services enabled.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.6.416.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release includes some exciting new features. It also includes additional fixes and minor improvements.

New features:

  • Admins can now elect to have ZT WARP clients connect using the MASQUE protocol; this setting is in Device Profiles. Note: before MASQUE can be used, the global setting for Override local interface IP must be enabled. For more detail, refer to Device tunnel protocol. This feature will be rolled out to customers in stages over approximately the next month.
  • The Device Posture client certificate check has been substantially enhanced. The primary enhancement is the ability to check for client certificates that have unique common names, made unique by the inclusion of the device serial number or host name (for example, CN = 123456.mycompany, where 123456 is the device serial number).

Additional changes and improvements:

  • Fixed a known issue where the certificate was not always properly left behind in /Library/Application Support/Cloudflare/installed_cert.pem.
  • Fixed an issue where re-auth notifications were not cleared from the UI when the user switched configurations.
  • Fixed a macOS firewall rule that allowed all UDP traffic to go outside the tunnel. Relates to TunnelVision (CVE-2024-3661).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Cloudflare WARP menu bar application to disappear when switching configurations.


  • This is the last GA release that will be supporting older, deprecated warp-cli commands. There are two methods to identify these commands. One, when used in this release, the command will work but will also return a deprecation warning. And two, the deprecated commands do not appear in the output of warp-cli -h.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.
  • There are certain known limitations preventing the use of the MASQUE tunnel protocol in certain scenarios. Do not use the MASQUE tunnel protocol if:
    • A Magic WAN integration is on the account and does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. Please check migration status with your account team.
    • Your account has Regional Services enabled.


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.6.415.0)

A new GA release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center. This release includes some exciting new features. It also includes additional fixes and minor improvements.

New features:

  • Admins can now elect to have ZT WARP clients connect using the MASQUE protocol; this setting is in Device Profiles. Note: before MASQUE can be used, the global setting for Override local interface IP must be enabled. For more detail, refer to Device tunnel protocol. This feature will be rolled out to customers in stages over approximately the next month.
  • The ZT WARP client on Windows devices can now connect before the user completes their Windows login. This Windows pre-login capability allows for connecting to on-premise Active Directory and/or similar resources necessary to complete the Windows login.
  • The Device Posture client certificate check has been substantially enhanced. The primary enhancement is the ability to check for client certificates that have unique common names, made unique by the inclusion of the device serial number or host name (for example, CN = 123456.mycompany, where 123456 is the device serial number).

Additional changes and improvements:

  • Added a new Unable to Connect message to the UI to help in troubleshooting.
  • The upgrade window now uses international date formats.
  • Made a change to ensure DEX tests are not running when the tunnel is not up due to the device going to or waking from sleep. This is specific to devices using the S3 power model.
  • Fixed a known issue where the certificate was not always properly left behind in %ProgramData%\Cloudflare\installed_cert.pem.
  • Fixed an issue where ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation messages were being incorrectly sent on the WARP tunnel.
  • Fixed an issue where a silent upgrade was causing certain files to be deleted if the target upgrade version is the same as the current version.


  • This is the last GA release that will be supporting older, deprecated warp-cli commands. There are two methods to identify these commands. One, when used in this release, the command will work but will also return a deprecation warning. And two, the deprecated commands do not appear in the output of warp-cli -h.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.
  • There are certain known limitations preventing the use of the MASQUE tunnel protocol in certain scenarios. Do not use the MASQUE tunnel protocol if:
    • A Magic WAN integration is on the account and does not have the latest packet flow path for WARP traffic. Please check migration status with your account team.
    • Your account has Regional Services enabled.


Cloudflare One Agent for iOS (version 1.4)

A new GA release for the iOS Cloudflare One Agent is now available in the iOS App Store.

Notable updates:

  • Fixed an issue with endpoint IP settings in MDM files
  • Cleaned up some erroneous links
  • Updated the Terms of Service


WARP client for Windows (version 2024.5.310.1)

A new beta release for the Windows WARP client is now available in the App Center.

Notable updates:

  • Added a new Unable to Connect message to the UI to help in troubleshooting.
  • In the upgrade window, a change was made to use international date formats to resolve an issue with localization.
  • Made a change to ensure DEX tests are not running when the tunnel is not up due to the device going to or waking from sleep. This is specific to devices using the S3 power model.
  • Fixed a known issue where the certificate was not always properly left behind in %ProgramData%\Cloudflare\installed_cert.pem.
  • Fixed an issue where ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation messages were being incorrectly sent on the WARP tunnel.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.5.287.1)

A new beta release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center

Notable updates:

  • Fixed a known issue where the certificate was not always properly left behind in /Library/Application Support/Cloudflare/installed_cert.pem.
  • Fixed an issue so that the reauth notification is cleared from the UI when the user switches configurations.
  • Fixed an issue by correcting the WARP client setting of macOS firewall rules. This relates to TunnelVision (CVE-2024-3661).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Cloudflare WARP menu bar application to disappear when switching configurations.

Known issues:

  • If a user has an MDM file configured to support multiple profiles (for the switch configurations feature), and then changes to an MDM file configured for a single profile, the WARP client may not connect. The workaround is to use the warp-cli registration delete command to clear the registration, and then re-register the client.


Cloudflare One Agent for Android (version 1.7)

A new GA release for the Android Cloudflare One Agent is now available in the Google Play Store. This release fixes an issue where the user was not prompted to select the client certificate in the browser during Access registration.


Crowdstrike posture checks for online status

Two new Crowdstrike attributes, Last Seen and State, are now available to be used as selectors in the Crowdstrike service provider integration.


WARP client for macOS (version 2024.3.444.0)

A new GA release for the macOS WARP client is now available in the App Center. This releases fixes an issue with how the WARP client sets macOS firewall rules and addresses the TunnelVision (CVE-2024-3661) vulnerability.