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Local development

To test your Dispatch Worker, user Worker and Outbound Worker before deploying to production, you can use Wrangler for development and testing.

1. Create a user worker

Terminal window
npm create cloudflare@latest -- customer-worker-1

For setup, select the following options:

  • For What would you like to start with?, choose Hello World example.
  • For Which template would you like to use?, choose Hello World Worker.
  • For Which language do you want to use?, choose JavaScript.
  • For Do you want to use git for version control?, choose Yes.
  • For Do you want to deploy your application?, choose No (we will be making some changes before deploying).

Then, move into the newly created directory:

Terminal window
cd customer-worker-1

Update the src/index.js file for customer-worker-1:

export default {
async fetch(request) {
// make a subrequest to the internet
const response = await fetch("");
return new Response(
`user worker got "${await response.text()}" from fetch`,

Update the wrangler.toml file for customer-worker-1 and add the dispatch namespace:

# ... other content above ...
dispatch_namespace = "my-namespace"

2. Create a dispatch worker

Terminal window
npm create cloudflare@latest -- dispatch-worker

For setup, select the following options:

  • For What would you like to start with?, choose Hello World example.
  • For Which template would you like to use?, choose Hello World Worker.
  • For Which language do you want to use?, choose JavaScript.
  • For Do you want to use git for version control?, choose Yes.
  • For Do you want to deploy your application?, choose No (we will be making some changes before deploying).

Then, move into the newly created directory:

Terminal window
cd dispatch-worker

Update the src/index.js file for dispatch-worker:

export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
// get the user Worker, specifying parameters that the Outbound Worker will see when it intercepts a user worker's subrequest
const customerScript = env.DISPATCH_NAMESPACE.get(
outbound: {
paramCustomerName: "customer-1",
// invoke user Worker
return await customerScript.fetch(request);

Update the wrangler.toml file for dispatch-worker and add the dispatch namespace binding:

# ... other content above ...
namespace = "my-namespace"
outbound = { service = "outbound-worker", parameters = ["paramCustomerName"] }

3. Create an Outbound Worker

Terminal window
npm create cloudflare@latest -- outbound-worker

For setup, select the following options:

  • For What would you like to start with?, choose Hello World example.
  • For Which template would you like to use?, choose Hello World Worker.
  • For Which language do you want to use?, choose JavaScript.
  • For Do you want to use git for version control?, choose Yes.
  • For Do you want to deploy your application?, choose No (we will be making some changes before deploying).

Then, move into the newly created directory:

Terminal window
cd outbound-worker

Update the src/index.js file for outbound-worker:

export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const { paramCustomerName } = env;
// use the parameters passed by the dispatcher to know what this user this request is for
// and return custom content back to the user worker
return new Response(
`intercepted a request for ${paramCustomerName} by the outbound`,

4. Start local dev session for your Workers

In separate terminals, start a local dev session for each of your Workers.

For your dispatcher Worker:

Terminal window
cd dispatch-worker
npx wrangler@dispatch-namespaces-dev dev --port 8600

For your outbound Worker:

Terminal window
cd outbound-worker
npx wrangler@dispatch-namespaces-dev dev --port 8601

And for your user Worker:

Terminal window
cd customer-worker-1
npx wrangler@dispatch-namespaces-dev dev --port 8602

5. Test your requests

Send a request to your dispatcher Worker:

Terminal window
curl http://localhost:8600
# -> user worker got "intercepted a request for customer-1 by the outbound" from fetch