Customers can now use API Shield product feature fields in custom rules, referencing features such as JWT Validation, session identifiers, and Schema Validation.
Customers can now enable the Fallthrough Action for Schema Validation 2.0 to block or log requests that do not match the endpoints listed in schemas protected by Schema Validation 2.0.
Endpoint Management and Schema Validation now support up to 10,000 saved and validated API endpoints.
Customers can now see when API Discovery groups similar subdomains with the same methods and paths, making it easy to discover and manage APIs that share many vanity domains or subdomains.
Customers can now route requests to different back-end services through API Routing, creating a unified front for their APIs distributed across otherwise disparate systems.
Customers can now use the fields inside JSON Web Tokens (known as claims) as session identifiers in API Shield, to count values in Advanced Rate Limiting, and to send on useful information in Transform Rules.
Customers can now build Sequence Mitigation rules with a new user interface inside the API Shield section of the Cloudflare dashboard.
Customers can now save endpoints in Endpoint Management that contain variables in the hostname. Hostname variables are supported across all product features.