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Filters constrain queries to a particular account or set of zones, requests by date, or those from a specific user agent, for example. Without filters, queries can suffer performance degradation, results can exceed supported bounds, and the data returned can be noisy.

Filter Structure

The GraphQL filter is represented by the GraphQL Input Object, which exposes Boolean algebra on nodes.

You can use filters as an argument on the following resources:

  • zones
  • accounts
  • tables (datasets)

Zone filter

Allows querying zone-related data by zone ID (zoneTag).

zones(filter: {zoneTag: "your Zone ID"}) {

The zone filter must conform to the following grammar:

{ zoneTag: t }
{ zoneTag_gt: t }
{ zoneTag_in: [t, ...] }

Compound filters (comma-separated, AND, OR) are not supported.

Use the zoneTag: t and zoneTag_in: [t, ...] forms when you know the zone IDs. Use the zoneTag_gt: t form with limits to traverse all zones if the zone IDs are not known. Zones always sort alphanumerically.

Omit the filter to get results for all zones (up to the supported limit).

Account filter

The account filter uses the same structure and rules as the zone filter, except that it uses the Account ID (accountTag) instead of the Zone ID (zoneTag).

You must specify an account filter when making an account-scoped query, and you cannot query multiple accounts simultaneously.

Table (dataset) filter

Table filters require that you query at least one node. Use the AND operator to create and combine multi-node filters. Table filters also support the OR operator, which you must specify explicitly.

The following grammar describes the table filter, where k is the GraphQL node on which to filter and op is one of the supported operators for that node:

{ kvs }
kv, kvs
k: v
k_op: v
AND: [filters]
OR: [filters]
filter, filters


Operator support varies, depending on the node type and node name.

Array operators

The following operators are supported for all array types:

hasarray contains a value
hasallarray contains all of a list of values
hasanyarray contains at least one of a list of values

Scalar operators

The following operators are supported for all scalar types:

gtgreater than
ltless than
geqgreater or equal to
leqless or equal to
neqnot equal

String operators

The like operator is available for string comparisons and supports the % character as a wildcard.


General example

viewer {
zones(filter: {zoneTag: $zoneTag}) {
httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {datetime_gt: "2021-06-10T00:00:00Z", clientCountryName: "GB"}, limit: 1) {

Filter on a specific node

The following GraphQL example shows how to filter a specific node. The SQL equivalent follows.


httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {datetime: "2018-01-01T10:00:00Z"}) {


WHERE datetime="2018-01-01T10:00:00Z"

Filter on multiple fields

The following GraphQL example shows how to apply a filter to multiple fields, in this case two datetime fields. The SQL equivalent follows.


httpRequests1hGroups(filter: {datetime_gt: "2018-01-01T10:00:00Z", datetime_lt: "2018-01-01T11:00:00Z"}) {


WHERE (datetime > "2018-01-01T10:00:00Z") AND (datetime < "2018-01-01T10:00:00Z")

Filter using the OR operator

The following GraphQL example demonstrates using the OR operator in a filter. This OR operator filters for the value US or GB in the clientCountryName field.


filter: {
datetime: "2018-01-01T10:00:00Z",
OR:[{clientCountryName: "US"}, {clientCountryName: "GB"}]) {


WHERE datetime="2018-01-01T10:00:00Z"
AND ((clientCountryName = "US") OR (clientCountryName = "GB"))

Filter an array by one value

The following GraphQL examples show how to filter an array field to only return data that includes a specific value. The SQL equivalent follows.


mnmFlowDataAdaptiveGroups(filter: {ruleIDs_has: "rule-id"}) {


WHERE has(ruleIDs, 'rule-id')

Filter an array by multiple values

The following GraphQL examples show how to filter an array field to only return data that includes several values. The SQL equivalent follows.


mnmFlowDataAdaptiveGroups(filter: {ruleIDs_hasall: ["rule-id-1", "rule-id-2"]}) {


WHERE has(ruleIDs, 'rule-id-1') AND has(ruleIDs, 'rule-id-2')

Filter end users

Add the requestSource filter for eyeball to return request, data transfer, and visit data about only the end users of your website. This will exclude actions taken by Cloudflare products (for example, cache purge, healthchecks, Workers subrequests) on your zone.

Subqueries (advanced filters)

Subqueries are not currently supported. You can use two GraphQL queries as a workaround for this limitation.